Take a look at your life. Are you happy? When were you the happiest you ever were? Most of us will say, when we were younger. But why do we have to grow up? I understand that with responsibility comes the need to grow. But is it really necessary?
I think if you're a mature individual, you can make a "grown up" decision. But maturity is only in the eye of the beholder. If you want something go and get it. Don't over think, whether you need it or not. Which is where common sense kicks in.
If something truly makes you happy, don't be afraid to go out and get it. The only reason I bring this subject up is....
I was at work yesterday, and on my work badge I have "flare" on the lanyard. And the flare is 6 buttons of comic book heroes. One of my coworkers came up to me and said "Dave, you really need to grow up and get rid of that kiddy shit on your badge."
I in turn said "Why? Does it offend you? Does Italy you uncomfortable?" He then began a diatribe about how you have to put away childish things as you get older. So I then asked the question, "What's your favorite movie?" He says Die Hard. So I asked him why.
He then tells me a story of how when he was younger his dad took him to the movies, and that one is the first one he can remember. So I asked, if they made one more would he see it? He says "Of course".
And then he realized where I was going. When something takes you to a better place and time, if even for a moment. Don't be afraid to relish in it.
It's all about how you view it.
:) Keep up the fun blogs Dave!!